The distance range may be limited. Values are in kpc.
This can help reducing the CPU time.
The distance step can be:
In "small field " option, the simulated stars are all supposed
to be at the same coordinates. This mode is valuable only if the density
gradient across the field is negligible besides the Poisson noise for
your solid angle. Longitudes and latitudes are given in degrees,
between -180 and +360 for l and -90 and +90 for b.
In "large field" option, you are asked to define a region
of sky and a step to cover this region, i.e. a range in galactique
longitude and latitude (in degree). The step (in degree) should be
chosen in order that within this step the density gradient is
negligible. The step should be small enough in the plane in latitude,
but can be large in longitude (except near the bulge). Be careful
that a too small step could produce a lack of stars because of
rounding errors when the volume is small.
The present model of extinction is made of a disc
of diffuse absorbing matter, following a Einasto ellipsoid of
excentricity 0.014 (equivalent scale height of about 140 pc)
a scale length of 7555 pc and an adjustable normalisation.
The default normalisation, 0.7 mag/kpc in the V band, is suitable
for medium and high latitudes. At low latitudes this value may be
adjusted to each field. You can add absorbing clouds, when choosing
this option. Other models of extinction are in progress.
The luminosity functions used in the model cover the absolute V magnitude range:
-7 to 20 for the thin disc,
-2 to 13 for the thick disc,
-2 to 11 for the spheroid.
The thin disc luminosity function is computed from a stellar
evolution model, the star formation rate and Initial Mass Function
being fitted to available star counts (Haywood, 1994, Haywood et al.,
1995). Stellar types for which stellar models are not available
(T Tauri, AGB) are added on empirical bases.
White dwarfs are computed from Wood et al. models.
The thick disc is supposed to be a 11 Gyr, one generation of stars
with a power law IMF of slope x=-0.5, and a metallicity of -0.78.
Isochrones are from Bergbush and vandenberg (1992).
The spheroid luminosity function is computed in the same conditions,
with an age of 14 Gyr and a metallicity of -1.78.
More details are given in Robin et al. (2003) A&A 409, 523.
You may select a range of spectral type by giving the earliest
type and the latest type which define the interval.
The spectral types are MK types, unless the type marked C which
included both the oxygened and the carbon AGB stars, and
DA white dwarfs.
In simulated catalogues you will find the spectral types
encoded as follows:
The integer part represents the main MK type: 1=O, 2=B, etc... 7=M. The code 8 is used for oxygened and carbon AGB stars. The code 9 for white dwarfs.
The decimal part is the subtype. For example the encoded type 6.4
represents the MK type K4. For AGB 8.0 means carbon AGBs, 8.1
means oxygen-rich AGB.
The age/population code is:
You may select stars by their age, or population.
The apparent magnitude is to be chosen among
U B V R I J H K L.
You are asked for the minimum and maximum values of
apparent magnitude for which you want to keep the stars.
The range should be given independently for each passband
of interest. The simulation will keep the stars which
satisfy all conditions.
Give an arbitrary large range for the band you are
not interested in.
Warning: If you want cumulative counts and
give a high value of the minimum magnitude, the
resulting counts will be wrong by the number of bright
stars not included in this range.
Colour indexes: Colour indexes may be
computed from any combination of the UBVRIJHKL bands.
You may choose up to 4 colour indexes, made from UBVRIJHKL bands.
UBV are in the Johnson's system while RI are in the Cousins,
JHKL from Koornneef.
In the "full version" you may choose a restricted colour range for your simulation (Select for example stars with a B-V between 0.6 and 0.8).
Photometric errors are important to model,
when you want a realistic simulation, specially for a catalogue.
The errors are either:
When the simulation is made to be compared with true data, error coefficients should be determined from these data. You are asked to enter the values of the coefficients A, B and C as determined by you.
Proper motions may be computed
Errors on the proper motion generally grow with the apparent magnitude. The errors are supposed to vary with the apparent magnitude as the photometry. If you have chosen a polynomial dependency in the photometry, you will have the same for the proper motion and the radial velocities. Values of the coefficients A,B and C are to be given for proper motions in milli-arcsec/year.
When the simulation is made to compare with true data, error coefficients should be determined from these data.
Errors on the radial velocities generally grow with the apparent magnitude. The errors are supposed to vary with the apparent magnitude as the photometry. If you have chosen a polynomial dependency in the photometry, you will have the same for the radial velocities. Values of the coefficients A,B and C are to be given for radial velocities in km/s.
When the simulation is made to compare with true data, error coefficients should be determined from these data.
Apart from the differential and cumulated counts in apparent magnitude, the resulting counts may be obtained in tables with double entry.
You may choose up to 8 diagrams. Enter the chosen abscissa, ordinate and check their steps.
The dimension of the tables is limited to 55. If the dimension is larger than 55, you should put a larger step.
You may want some of the above diagrams for a restricted apparent magnitude range.
For example, a Mv versus Age diagram for 14 < V < 15.
This option allows you to select such magnitude ranges.
Enter the minimum (included) and maximum (excluded) of apparent magnitude you desire for your diagrams (up to 8 different intervalles).